

Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb.
At the first time, let me tell you the mean of KKN. It’s mean Kuliah Kerja Nyata. KKN is a part of university programme for society, become a requirement for graduate Strata-1 (S1) in Islamic State University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and it’s also support by LPM (Lembaga Pemberdayaan Masyarakat).
Come to the second, I would like to introduce my groups that usually called “KKN UIN Jakarta Sin Lam Mim”. Sin Lam Mim? a most valuable words for us, next time I will tell it. In LPM of UIN, our groups are number 38. Our themes are “Participate of students in society for improving knowledges and religion”. Our objectivities are education, public environment, and youth moslem. We are consists of two faculty, faculty of science and technology (FST) and faculty of Adab and Humaniora (FAH), 15 persons come from FST and 5 persons from FAH. Starts from myself, my name is Aditya Nursyahbani (FST) as known as gudheL, my position our group is assistant leader. The leader of our group is Ahmad Fauzi (FST) who usually called “Bejo”, Aliah Agustina (FST) as the secretary, Praditha putri (FST) as financial manager, Wahyu Harris Piyadhi (FST) as Division of public relations and supported with his staff Anugrah Nur Fadilla (FST), Fadly Adithya (FST) as division of publication, decoration and documentation supported with his staff Dicco Dzikrullah Arfi (FST), Yusuf Jetendra (FST) as division of transportation and equipment supported with his staff Dwi Nanda Maulana (FST) and Rifky, Muhdini (FST) as division of programme and supported with his staff M. Ulin Nuha (FST), Yudha Rangga (FST) as division of sponsorship and supported with his staff Rizki Koto (FST) and Alvine Khaidir (FST), Soraya Sofianti (FST) as division of health and care Muhammad Tri (FAH), and the last one Nanik Fatmawati (FAH) as division of consumption and supported with her staff Della Mayvalencia (FAH). Our favourite quotation are “Where there is a will, there is a way”, we don’t care what everybody said about us such as our guide lecture said that our group like free man group, but we’re proud with our group because we’ve hope and spirit that we will realize, however we will show that we can usefull for public, our parents, and of course our country . Starts from zero and want become to hero for education, society and our religion “Islam”. We will try our best and I believes that together yes we can. Amien.
We are now “KKN” in West Java province, bogor city, exactly at Sukawangi village during 1 month. It was the lowest village of IPM (Indeks Pemberdayaan Masyarakat) in bogor city. It’s around 20 KM from Cipanas. There’s no more light and lots of rock stone and soil road (mountain and forest), the air so cold, bad sanitation and so many people that aren’t really understand that education is important for them life. Although the condition like this, with our faith and trust, we will survive and start our struggle in charity and humanity for the future lifes and learn to life without our parents. It can be a valuable moment and experience for us, sadness and happiness we will feels together. I would like thanks to all of my friends, my group, my family, my lecture and everybody who’s support our programme. I love you full, God bless u…

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4 Komentar

  1. program dari grup lo apa ajah, biar KKN grup lo lancar , and grup lo bisa ngebuktiin kalo kalian semua bukan sekedar " a bunch of free man " ? ? ?

  2. kpn tuh dit k bogornya? trus rencananya lo n tmen2 lo mw ngapain aja bwt desa sukawangi biar lbh bagusan dkit lah stelah ditinggal kalian? bQn kegiatan yang bermanfaat n brarti ya,,,, good luck brother

  3. bukan desanya yg harus dibagusin tp orang2ny...biar semuanya maju..balik lagi tujuan lo untuk KKN apa???...yg penting kita KKN itu harus lebih dekat dengan orang2 didesanya,,,jgn datang dijmpt pulang gak di antar...hehehee....

  4. ::> Qiki : program kerja kita ada 3 sasaran! scopenya...
    1. Edukasi / Pendidikan
    2. Masyarakat / Karang taruna
    3. Remaja Masjid
    klo untuk realisasi program kerja spy berjalan lancar c, kami smua pny komitmen yg harus dipertahankan, jalinan komunikasi interpersonal (communication) dan yg terpenting ngejalin solidaritas, semangat dan visi yg kuat, kita jg punya motto "Together yes we can...."!!!

    ::> Dara : kami mulai KKN start tanggal 27 Juli 2009 - 27 Agustus 2009, kami jg invest baik materi maupun tenaga dalam pembangunan madrasah, perpustakaan , dan pos kemanan desa sukawangi... thx...

    ::> Saraa :i have the same think with u....
    kami jg focused increase kualitas SDM (skill building), karena kami pikir klo kualitas sdm maju, automatically kemajuan desa jg follow up! yaa... kita menjalankan program sesuai visi misi dan tujuan KKN kami...
    hhhaahaa... dari KKN ini kami semua dapat belajar bersosialisai/terjun langsung memberikan kontribusi kepada masyarakat!
